Graphic - "How To Write Better Copy That Converts That Converts"

How To Write Better Copy That Converts That Converts

May 23, 20244 min read

Graphic - How to write better copy that converts

Greetings, fellow entrepreneurs!

In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, one skill remains a constant driving force behind business success – the art of crafting compelling copy.

For those unsure what "copy" refers to, it is basically all the written content used to promote your business. From blogs and Instagram captions to Facebook Ad descriptions and newsletter emails.

How To Get Customers With Copy That Converts

Visual content - photos and videos - get a lot of attention online. It's important to remember that the copy accompanying the content, also hold the power of persuading a potential customer.

Impeccable copy powers your marketing efforts. So the key is to have attention grabbing images and videos, with copy that relates to your ideal audience.

5 Quick Tips To Write Better Copy

👉 Speak Directly to Your Audience:

Effective copy speaks directly to your ideal customer – that one persona who embodies your target market.

By understanding their needs, desires, and pain points, you can craft messaging that feels tailor-made for them. Personalized copy resonates.

👉 Harness the Power of Storytelling:

Narratives have an uncanny ability to captivate and connect. Use storytelling to transport your audience into a world where your products or services transform their need into works of art.

Share success stories, highlight customer experiences, and weave a compelling narrative that showcases the impact of your business.

👉 Address Problems and Provide Solutions:

Copy that resonates identifies and addresses the problems your customers are facing. Align your copy with the solutions you provide.

Touch on external (visible), internal (emotional), and philosophical (values-based) problems to create a holistic connection.

👉 Engage in a One-on-One Conversation:

Imagine having a personal conversation with your customer. Write your copy as if you're speaking directly to them, addressing their concerns and aspirations. This personalized approach establishes rapport and trust, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

👉 Focus on Benefits Over Features:

While features are essential, benefits hold the real allure for your customers. Emphasize how your products or services will enhance their lives, save them time, and elevate their experience.

Detailing Business Example: Transform "We use advanced paint protective film" into "Preserve your car's pristine beauty with our state-of-the-art protective film."

GIF - actor typing

3 Frameworks To Improve Your Copywriting Skills 👊

M.A.G.I.C Offer Naming Formula:

Crafting attention-grabbing headlines is a cornerstone of compelling copy. Utilize the M.A.G.I.C formula to create headlines that magnetize your audience:

- Magnet: What makes your offer irresistible? Highlight discounts, exclusivity, or scarcity.

- Avatar: Speak directly to your target customer, making them feel understood and valued.

- Goal: Address the desired outcome of your offer.

- Indicate: Set a time frame for your offer, creating a sense of urgency or excitement.

- Container: Package your offer in a container word/words that resonate.

Graphic - showing the MAGIC formula

The AIDA Formula:

The AIDA formula – Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action – is a tried-and-true approach to crafting persuasive copy that guides readers through a seamless journey from attention-grabbing introduction to decisive action-taking.

1. Attention: Start with an attention-grabbing headline that incorporates the elements of the M.A.G.I.C formula.

2. Interest: Pique curiosity by addressing a relatable problem or introducing a unique solution.

3. Desire: Create a desire for your service by emphasizing benefits and painting a vivid picture of the transformation.

4. Action: Prompt action with a clear call-to-action.

Graphic - showing the AIDA formula

The Three Pillar Framework:

Enhance your copywriting by considering the three pillars: What, Who, and When.


There are 4 elements and their counterparts to the "WHAT". This gives you 8 variables to talk about your product or service through. You can use of these elements or its apposing side to create unique copy and never run out of ideas and ways to say things.

Table - 3 Pillar framework for copy writing


View your offering from various perspectives, including the prospect, their friends, colleagues, or family. This approach adds depth to your messaging. "Impress Friends and Family with..."


Contextualize your copy by referencing past, present, or future experiences. "Imagine Cruising Through Winter with..."

A Free Tool To Help Your Copy Writing

Sometimes it can feel difficult to judge whether your copy is good. We've named some tips and frameworks to help you improve your copy, now how do we tell if it's good?

Readability is one way to tell whether the copy is good.

Readability (noun) is "the quality of being easy or enjoyable to read".

Hemingway Editor is a free tool that allows you to check the readability of your copy, rating it in grade levels. This is a great tool that we use whenever to make sure our content is easy to read, and therefore more enjoyable too.

Graphic - laptop showing the Hemingway Editor

In the world of online marketing, writing compelling copy is a skill that can set your business apart.

By understanding your audience, implementing frameworks, and creating engaging narratives, you can write copy that resonates, connects, and drives sales.

Whether you're curating a Facebook ad, sharing an Instagram post, or updating your website. Mastering the art of copywriting is a powerful tool for success.

If you find copywriting overwhelming, remember that our expert team is here to assist.

Contact us today to explore how our marketing solutions can bring in more quality leads and sales.

Your success story awaits – let's craft it together!

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